Mild Hyperbaric Oxygen Inhibits Growth-related Decrease in Muscle Oxidative Capacity of Rats with Metabolic Syndrome

Metabolic syndrome is linked to physical inactivity and consumption of a high-fat and high-calorie diet and is characterized by obesity, high blood pressure, increased blood glucose levels, and hyperlipidemia1). Skeletal muscle is the primary site of insulin action and glucose metabolism. Reduced oxidative capacity in skeletal muscle impairs glucose metabolism and increases the risk of…

Effects of mild hyperbaric oxygen on osteoporosis induced by hindlimb unloading in rats

Disuse-induced bone loss is caused by a suppression of osteoblastic bone formation and an increase in osteoclastic bone resorption. There are few data available for the effects of environmental conditions, i.e., atmospheric pressure and/or oxygen concentration, on osteoporosis. This study examined the effects of mild hyperbaric oxygen at 1317 hPa with 40% oxygen on unloading-induced…

Mild hyperbaric oxygen inhibits the decrease of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra of mice with MPTP-induced Parkinson’s disease

We examined whether exposure to mild hyperbaric oxygen inhibits the decrease of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra of a neurotoxic animal model with Parkinson’s disease. Mice injected with 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine hydrochloride and probenecid twice a week were divided into two groups: mice with mild hyperbaric oxygen and those without. The mice with mild hyperbaric oxygen…