Hypertension is one of the major diseases of the present day, with a high rate of mortality. …Essential hypertension remains a mystery as far as its causative factor, and very often fails to respond to conventional medical therapy. Secondary symptomatic hypertension is easier to control, by treating the underlying disease or abnormal condition.
The effects of low reactive level laser therapy (LLLT) with an infrared diode laser on blood pressure, particularly the hypotensive effect on hypertension were studied. It was concluded that in general there was no clear-cut hypotensive effect following LLLT with the diode laser, but when applied to the pathological condition known as essential hypertension, LLLT was noticeably effective. These findings warrant further study on this application of LLLT.
Yoshiharu Umeda. Blood Pressure Controlled by Low Reactive Level Diode Laser Therapy (LLLTO. LASER THERAPY, 1990, Vol2., No.2, pp.59-63. https://doi.org/10.5978/islsm.90-OR-02.
Source: https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/islsm/2/2/2_90-OR-02/_pdf/-char/en